07425 360443

Alan Gilbert

Age 71

Born and lived in Sheffield all of my life…

I come to the sessions to keep up some fitness and meet other people. I have a deep brain stimulator (DBS) fitted to control a dystonic tremor. The tremor affects my head and hands. The side effects of the operation has affected my balance. I find coming to the sessions helps me. They help to keep my energy levels up and should help improve how my body deals with balance when i am training.

I find it difficult to find hobbies which don’t involve the use of steady hands -so football and the training with Keith is able to offer me an interest and outlet for my love of playing and watching football. I do think that being able to train and meet other people also helps with mood and gives a lift and something to look forward to each week. The sessions allow me to work to my own level without being too competitive so I would definitely recommend them to anyone, especially people who may have limitations because of health problems or age.

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